According to TechFlow, on September 29, Cointelegraph reported that some users of the prediction market application Polymarket recently reported mysterious wallet attacks. The attacker used the "proxy" function to steal the victim's USDC balance, mainly affecting users who logged in with a Google account. One user, HHeego, was attacked on August 5 and 11, with a total loss of approximately $5,197.11. Another user, Cryptomaniac, lost $745 on August 9.

Polymarket customer service admitted that it had discovered at least 5 similar attack cases, in which the attackers suspected of using "email one-time passwords" to log in to the victim's account. However, the victims said they had never used their email addresses to access the platform. Users who used browser wallet extensions such as MetaMask or Trustwallet were not affected.

Polymarket uses Magic Labs' SDK to implement password-free and seed-free login. In theory, attackers need to access the user's Google account to authenticate. However, the victim said that no signs of Google account being hacked were found. Currently, Polymarket and Magic Labs have not responded to this incident.