🚀 Summary of the six stages of the bull market! What stage are you at? 💡

1️⃣ Initial surge:

The market began to rise significantly, and everyone was wondering: "Is the bull market really coming?" 🤔 But everyone still had doubts in their hearts, "Let's wait and see, don't rush to get on the bus!"

2️⃣ Continue to rise:

Watching the market go up wave after wave, my confidence gradually built up, and I finally decided to enter the market tentatively with a small amount! 💪 But I still thought: "Wait for the correction to add more positions!"

3️⃣ Summit stage:

The market atmosphere is gradually getting hot🔥, and all kinds of news and discussions are full of: "The bull market is really coming, don't miss it this time!" 😲 So I started to increase my position in large sums, and even opened leverage: "Go! 100,000 profit will be enough In front of you!"

4️⃣ Start callback:

The market suddenly turned downward, and I thought to myself: "This is just a short-term adjustment, I want to take the opportunity to replenish my position!" 📉 Continue to increase your position without hesitation.

5️⃣ Sharp decline:

The market situation took a turn for the worse, and the decline became larger and larger. At this time, I lost control of my emotions: "What's going on? It's not really going to collapse..." 😱 I hurriedly cut my flesh and left the market, full of regret and anxiety.

6️⃣ A long downturn:

After the cut, the market wandered in a downward spiral and was completely trapped for three years. ⏳ Looking back at the K-line chart, I only feel annoyed and helpless: "Why couldn't I hold it then?" 😩

🔄 Lessons from the bull market cycle

Bull markets often begin with doubt, end with confidence, and end with enthusiasm. 📉After every surge, there are a lot of "dreams of getting rich" and inevitable "moments of clarity"! Many people missed the opportunity to get on the train in the early stage, but entered the market at a high point. Operations dominated by emotions are destined to make you miss the real profits! ⚠️

💡So, how to make bull market money?

🔹 In the initial stage of planning, keep a calm mind;

🔹 Stay calm and don’t be affected by fanaticism;

🔹 The most important thing: always stick to your investment plan and do not change your strategy due to short-term fluctuations!

Remember - in the bull market, those who are sure of themselves make money, while those who operate frequently always get stuck at high points. **🧠💰

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