Cryptocurrencies have changed the way we understand finance, providing decentralized systems that can operate without the involvement of banks and governments. However, with the development of new technologies such as quantum computers and neural networks, the crypto world is facing a potential security threat. These technologies promise a revolution in computing, but they also have the potential to undermine the existing cryptographic foundations of blockchains.

Quantum Computers: What Are They and How Do They Threaten Cryptocurrencies?

Quantum computers use the laws of quantum mechanics to perform calculations that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers. The main advantage of quantum computers is their ability to solve problems such as factoring large numbers and solving complex logarithmic equations much faster than is possible on traditional devices.

The main threat to cryptocurrencies comes from the ability of quantum computers to break the cryptographic algorithms that secure transactions and wallets. In particular, algorithms such as ECDSA (elliptic curve security algorithm), which many blockchains are based on, can be broken using Shor's algorithm. This algorithm allows a quantum computer to decrypt public keys, which leads to the potential hacking of users' private keys.

An example of such a hack would look like this: a quantum computer analyzes a public key in the blockchain and calculates the corresponding private key, gaining access to the funds in the account. This poses a huge threat, especially for older wallets that used public keys directly (without hashing) in the blockchain.

Neural Networks: New Ways of Attacking

Neural networks, or artificial neural networks, are already demonstrating enormous capabilities in data processing and pattern detection. Although they cannot directly crack cryptographic keys, neural networks can be used to develop sophisticated methods of attacking cryptocurrency systems.

One example of the use of neural networks is the analysis of blockchains to find vulnerabilities or suspicious transactions. Neural networks can quickly analyze millions of transactions and identify patterns that indicate vulnerabilities in the code or user errors. Moreover, they can identify weak points in protection, which allows attackers to exploit them before the system is updated.

In addition, neural networks can accelerate the development of phishing or social engineering techniques that are used to steal keys from users. Using large amounts of data from social networks and other sources, artificial intelligence can predict user behavior and generate more complex and targeted attacks.

How can cryptocurrencies counter threats?

1. Post-quantum cryptography. Blockchain developers are already beginning to explore post-quantum algorithms that can protect networks from attacks by quantum computers. These algorithms are much harder to crack and are designed to work with both classical and quantum machines. In the future, such cryptographic systems could become the basis for quantum-resistant blockchains.

2. Protocol adaptation. If quantum computers become powerful enough, many cryptocurrencies will be able to update their protocols to implement new security mechanisms. This will require large-scale software updates for all network participants, which can be a difficult task, but is entirely feasible if appropriate security measures are in place.

3. Monitoring and Machine Learning. Despite the threats, neural networks can also be used to protect cryptocurrency systems. Machine learning can analyze suspicious activity on the blockchain in real time, identifying potential threats such as double-spending attacks or hacking attempts. This can help react to anomalies faster and prevent hacks before they happen.


Quantum computers and neural networks will undoubtedly change the world of technology and computing in the future. For cryptocurrencies and blockchains, this means the need to prepare for a new type of threat. Although quantum computers are not yet advanced enough for practical attacks on cryptography, their development is only a matter of time. Developing post-quantum algorithms and using advanced machine learning methods to protect the network are key steps that can help prevent a potential crisis in the world of digital assets.

Technologies that may seem distant and futuristic today may become the main threat to the financial system of the future tomorrow, and cryptocurrencies must be prepared for this new reality.