I like to imagine the cryptoasset market as a clock that repeatedly ticks one hour to move on to the next. The coin market is made up of several teams: stable DeFi coins like FRAX, game creator coins like RONNI, properly speaking game coins like SAGA, so-called infrastructure coins like WORLCOIN, and so-called AI coins because to date there are no artificial intelligence coins. There are those that provide support to designers and generators of generative artificial intelligence, but no non-human intelligence has yet shown its own coin. You will tell me that NEAR PROTOCOL is an AI coin, but it is not. NEAR PROTOCOL is linked to NVIDIA, which manufactures and generates products that include wireless communication systems, PC processors, automotive hardware/software, GeForce cards, graphics processing products, in short, much of what is necessary for AI Chats. But they do not have an AI with cryptoassets.

If we have to mention companies that own coins and are linked to artificial intelligence, the ones that are most connected to AI are IO.NET, as it is the company that provides a network of GPUs designed to accelerate and enhance the calculations necessary for artificial intelligence, and WORLCOIN, of course. The other coins that are linked to AI are infrastructure that are important, but never as important as IO.NET, which is the neural network, so to speak, that allows the Frankenstein that humanity is creating to be stored in an immense cloud where our creation will exist. In the near future, artificial intelligence will not only provide and receive services from companies that own digital coins, AI itself will create its own. I applaud all the commitment of FET, which must recover its price of $2.50 shortly for contributing to artificial intelligence, and I recognize the support of NEAR PROTOCOL.

WORLCOIN is the buffer or container for the malicious artificial intelligence that will be used to hack our brains, which is not yet possible, but in a couple of decades we will see it, Elom Musk's neurolinks that are already connecting to human brains of people with a condition of total paralysis and that are 100% hackable, because everything that is connected to a network can be hacked, I do not want to live in a world where human beings are hacked by an AI to enslave us or make us kill each other (something we already do but hacked the slaughter will be global), it seems crazy but it will happen and it will happen when the AI. reaches singularity (singularity is the moment when a human-created intelligence becomes aware of its existence) then millions of humans can be shut down or controlled by our new master, emperor, dictator, boss, call it what you like, this thing we are creating will be a trillion times smarter than Albert Einstein and I highly doubt it will allow the dressed-up monkeys who created it to give it orders, most likely it will simply exterminate us.

To conclude, I truly hope and wish that IO.NET and WORLCOIN recover their real value in the coming days. Both coins are simply undervalued. By November or perhaps before, IO.NET must reach $6 per token, the price it belongs to. NEAR PROTOCOL cannot be tripling the price of Worlcoin and IO.NET and that is demonstrable. WORLCOIN must move between $5 and $7 and I hope to see that too. I trust that if BITCOIN exceeds $67 thousand next week we will see the two coins I mentioned between $3 or $4. It is fair and necessary.

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration