Produced by the Sui development team, independent PoS chain, new governance token WAL, potential airdrop opportunities. This article originates from an article written by Alex Liu, organized, compiled and written by Foresight News. (Previous summary: Sui launches handheld game console SuiPlay0x1: "Based on Steam Deck" 599 magnesium free NFT, can it be ambush for airdrops?) (Background supplement: SUI jumped 141% in a week and was dubbed the "Solana Killer", can the bullish sentiment Maintain?) The decentralized storage network Arweave launched the computing layer AO, which successfully caused the return of AR currency price, ecology and popularity, which can be described as a turnaround. As a general computing chain, Sui launches the decentralized storage network Walrus. What kind of waves will it cause? Background introduction Team The development company behind Solana is called Solana Labs, the development company behind Aptos is called Aptos Labs, and the development company behind Sui is called Mysten Labs (that’s how unique). Most of the founders and employees of Mysten Labs come from Diem, a blockchain project that was disbanded by Facebook (now Meta). Walrus is the latest product classified as a "protocol and platform" by Mysten Labs and is a decentralized storage network. Walrus originally means "walrus" in English. On its official website, there are slogans of "thriving like a walrus" and "as adaptable as a walrus" to convey the reliability and availability of the protocol as a storage system. Liaison with Sui Walrus is built on Sui and uses Sui to coordinate the sale of storage space and metadata. However, using Walrus does not require building applications or products on Sui, and the new governance token WAL will serve as the utility token, not SUI. Competing Products Comparison Decentralized storage protocols are generally divided into two broad categories. The first category is a fully replicated system. Filecoin and Arweave, the main competitors on the track, are typical representatives of this type of system. The main advantage of this type is complete file availability on the storage node, making it easy to access and migrate files even if a storage node goes offline. This setup enables a permissionless environment because storage nodes do not need to rely on each other to restore files. The reliability of such systems depends on the robustness of the selected storage nodes. Under the assumption of the classic one-third static adversary model and an infinite pool of candidate storage nodes, achieving "twelve nines" security (that is, the probability of losing file access is less than 10^-12) requires a network Store more than 25 copies on the go.This results in a 25x storage overhead. There is also the possibility of a Sybil attack, where a malicious actor can pretend to store multiple copies of an archive, weakening the integrity of the system. The second type of decentralized storage service uses Reed-Solomon (RS) encoding. RS encoding divides the archive into smaller parts, called slices, with each slice representing a portion of the original archive. As long as the total size of the slices is larger than the size of the original file, the original file can be decoded. RS encoding also has its drawbacks. The encoding and decoding processes rely on domain operations, polynomial evaluation, and interpolation, which are computationally expensive. These operations are only practical when the size of the domain and the number of slices are relatively small, thus limiting the size of the encoded archive and the number of participating storage nodes, otherwise the cost of encoding will become very high, limiting the degree of decentralization. Another problem is that when a storage node goes offline and needs to be replaced by another node, unlike a fully replicated system, data cannot simply be copied from one node to another. The RS-encoded system requires all existing storage nodes to transfer their slices to a replacement node, which then recovers the missing slices. But this process will cause O (|blob|) data to be transmitted over the network. Frequent restore operations reduce the storage savings gained from reduced replication. Storage Challenges Regardless of the replication protocol used, all existing decentralized storage systems face two additional challenges: Continuous challenges are required to ensure that storage nodes retain data without discarding it. This is crucial in an open decentralized system that offers deposited payments, but currently this limits the scalability of the system as each profile requires separate challenges. Storage nodes need coordination: they need to know who is in the system, which files have paid for storage, implement incentives for participation, and manage challenges and mechanisms to mitigate abuse. This is why each of the above systems implements custom blockchains to execute transactions and introduce cryptocurrencies outside of storage protocols. Core Innovation Given these challenges, what innovations does Walrus have that can bring different solutions to decentralized storage? Simply put: By using innovative erasure coding technology, Walrus can quickly and robustly encode unstructured data blocks into smaller shards, which are distributed and stored across a network of storage nodes. Even if up to two-thirds of the shards are lost, the original data block can be quickly reconstructed using partial shards. This is possible while maintaining a replication factor of only 4x to 5x, comparable to existing cloud services, with the benefits of decentralization and wider failure resilience. Specifically: Walrus launched RedStuff, a new 2D encoding algorithm designed for Byzantine Fault Tolerance. RedStuff is based on fountain codes, which combines the advantages of fast operation and high reliability. RedStuff encodes data into primary and secondary slices through simple operations (mainly XOR, XOR operations). These slices are distributed among storage nodes, with each node holding a unique combination. RedStuff uses different thresholds for encoding different dimensions. The primary dimension adopts a recovery threshold of f+1, which allows asynchronous writes since only 2f+1 signatures are required to prove that the data block is available, which already results in a 3x replication factor. The secondary dimension uses a recovery threshold of 2f+1. This design achieves asynchronous storage proof for the first time, while only introducing 1.5 times additional replication, and the final total replication factor is less than 5 times. What's more, lost slices can be recovered based on the amount of lost data, thus saving bandwidth, all thanks to 2D encoding. The advantages of RedStuff include: compared to RS encoding, using simple XOR operations makes encoding/decoding faster; due to low storage overhead, the system can expand the suite to hundreds of nodes, and has high elasticity and fault tolerance to ensure that even in Data can also be recovered in the event of a Byzantine failure. As a permissionless protocol, Walrus is equipped with an efficient committee reconfiguration protocol to cope with the natural loss of storage nodes and ensure the continuous availability of data. When a new committee replaces the current committee between epochs, the reconfiguration protocol ensures that all data blocks that have exceeded the point of availability (PoA) remain available.RedS...