Generally, it is recommended to call the police, but the netizen said that he met the other party on the plane. If the airplane wallet is over-signed, there is basically no way to deal with it. Even if you find the other party, it is difficult to track him down. Even if you catch him, the money has already been stolen, and the victim cannot get back the loss.


Well, since it is difficult for the netizen to get back his losses, let’s see how he was cheated?

The scammers approached the netizens on the plane and said that they would add 10% to the price of U, which means that if you sell me U for 10,000 RMB, I will give you 11,000. When the profit reaches 5%, they will be ready to make a move; when the profit reaches 10%, they will take risks. Fortunes are sought in danger. With this "good thing", netizens choose to take risks and buy U at a certain exchange, and then sell it to the scammers to earn 10% profit.

At the beginning, it was normal for netizens to try to buy and sell coins with small amounts. Later, the scammers deceived netizens to buy more coins on the pretext of "end of month performance". After the netizens bought a large amount of coins and rushed them into Tru**'s wallet, they found that the coins had been transferred away. When they contacted the scammers again, they found that they had deleted themselves. In the whole thing, netizens were lambs to be slaughtered from the beginning.

When downloading the wallet, the netizens followed the scammers' instructions and authorized the scammers with the highest authority of the wallet. As long as the coins are deposited into the wallet, the scammers can transfer the coins away at any time. The reason why they make a few transactions in a formal manner is to trick netizens into making large transactions step by step so that they can defraud more.

You who have opened the God's perspective may think, if you keep trading in small amounts, won't you make 10% for nothing? What are you thinking? Maybe if you don't increase your investment in the fifth transaction, they will kill you. The scammers want to cheat money, and the maximum "loss" is 50%. Another smart person said, I will just play a few small amounts to get rid of the scammers? Haha, then congratulations, your receiving account will be frozen by the judiciary. Because the money the scammers transfer to you is pure black money! ! Not only will your card be frozen, but the uncle will come to your door, and you may also be punished by having your card cut off.

If they can cheat, they will cheat. If they can't cheat, they will use your account to launder illegal funds. According to the market situation, if you cheat 10,000 yuan, you can earn 30%-50%. If you cheat 10,000 yuan, he will take 30% and give you 10%, and you can still earn 20%. The scammers have calculated this very clearly. This kind of "authorized multi-signature scam" evolved from "luring others to buy U to launder illegal funds", which can be said to be extremely insidious and vicious.

Once the victim enters the game, they are either deceived or their accounts are frozen, and most of the time both happen. #内容挖矿 #BNB Follow me! Get more information about the cryptocurrency world!