The latest developments from the Federal Reserve!

According to the latest news, the Federal Reserve may accelerate the pace of interest rate cuts, and the action may be earlier than market expectations. The reason is that the U.S. economy and job market have not performed as strongly as expected, prompting the central bank to consider cutting interest rates to boost the economy. Given that the U.S. inflation rate has dropped significantly and is close to the 2% target range, the market generally predicts that the Federal Reserve will implement a 50 basis point interest rate cut in November, and the probability of this prediction is as high as 54%.

Federal Reserve official Mussallem spoke out, emphasizing that if the economy continues to be weak, the pace of interest rate cuts may be accelerated to stimulate economic vitality with loose policies. At the same time, the European Central Bank has also shown signs of cutting interest rates, and is expected to follow up with a 50 basis point interest rate cut in December, as inflationary pressures in the euro area have also eased.

Central banks around the world are collectively preparing to cut interest rates in order to promote economic growth. However, it should be noted that cutting interest rates is not a risk-free operation. As the Bank of Japan has shown, sudden changes in policy have triggered turmoil in the stock market. Therefore, the market remains highly concerned about the impact of the Fed's action and is waiting for its actual effects to be revealed.

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