I was still looking at the AI ​​section this morning, and CZ's article today emphasized the fields of blockchain and AI, biotechnology, education, etc., which also represents an important trend in the future development of technology.


The value of blockchain:

Provide a trust mechanism: Blockchain can establish trust without a central agency. Decentralized management: Individuals and organizations can automatically execute agreements through smart contracts without relying on third parties. Security and privacy protection: Data cannot be tampered with, and privacy is better protected.


The combination of AI and blockchain can bring breakthroughs in many aspects. Blockchain can provide AI with more transparent algorithmic decisions and more secure data storage, while AI can optimize the performance and efficiency of blockchain networks by analyzing big data.

AI algorithms are based on data recorded by blockchain, ensuring the authenticity and transparency of data and eliminating bias. Decentralized AI model: Through blockchain, AI models can be decentralized and hosted, allowing more people to share AI results without worrying about data privacy issues. And AI can be used to analyze and automatically optimize smart contract execution, improve efficiency, and reduce operating costs.


The combination of blockchain and biotechnology, especially in the field of healthcare, can significantly improve data security, patient privacy and information traceability. By storing genetic information, medical records and other data through blockchain, it can ensure that these sensitive data are not tampered with, and at the same time provide data support for personalized medical services.

Medical data privacy: Blockchain can protect patient data and prevent information leakage, while ensuring the authenticity and traceability of medical records. Data sharing and personalized medicine: Sharing biological data through blockchain technology can promote scientific research progress and promote the development of personalized medical services. Drug supply chain management: Blockchain can track the production and transportation process of drugs to ensure the authenticity and safety of drugs.