Odaily Planet Daily News CZ posted on X: "This food tastes great... What a luxury it is to eat more than one piece of fruit a day! I know some of you may have a lot of questions. I won't have all the answers. Let me calm down. Then think about the next steps. There are always more opportunities in the future than in the past. I want to thank everyone for their support. It means a lot to me and keeps me strong in the darkest moments. Some quick updates/thoughts: Giggle Academy is going well and it will be a big part of my life in the next few years. Will continue to invest in blockchain/decentralized technology, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology. I am a long-term investor and I care about impact, not returns. I will also devote more time and money to charity (and education). I have some rough ideas. I'm still writing my book, and I'm about 2/3 done. Writing a book is a lot more work than I expected, but I'll stick to it. It's good that Binance doesn't have me in the back seat, which is good. This is every entrepreneur's dream. Stay tuned. See you at the conference."