Regarding trader Eugene Ng Ah Sio’s price prediction for SOL, crypto KOL Evanss6 posted on X: “Based on the current price, the daily unlocking amount of SOL is $11.74 million.
At $500, that’s $37.4 million;
At $1,000, that’s $74.8 million;
By the end of 2025, there will be approximately 20 million investor SOL unlocked.
This would increase SOL daily releases by an additional $22 million to $44 million, bringing total releases to $60 million to $120 million per day.”
In response, trader Eugene replied: “Valid, but I didn’t say when SOL peaked. Besides, the nature of the top is a typical parabolic rise followed by a fall.
In a steady state, the unlocking factor is more important. For example, I would interpret your data as ‘after SOL peaks, the next correction will be more brutal than BTC or ETH’.”