With $HMSTR now officially listed on Binance, many are rushing to sell. But should you? Let’s break down why holding onto your $HMSTR might be a smarter move and why others may want to sell:

1. Massive Token Supply: A Red Flag?

With a staggering 100 billion tokens in circulation, $HMSTR could face a major sell-off. While the “Season 2” reserve promises future potential, it might just be a ploy to retain investors while insiders quietly cash out.

2. Fading Community Trust

Legitimate users are being banned under questionable ‘cheating’ claims, leading to rising distrust. This negative sentiment could spark a wave of panic sales.

3. Lackluster Pre-Market Hype

Even before its Binance debut, $HMSTR failed to generate significant buzz, hinting at a weak starting price. Early signs suggest a potential sell-off, leaving remaining holders vulnerable.

4. Limited Utility

Unlike popular tokens like $NOT or $DOG, $HMSTR offers little in terms of real-world use. The anonymous development team, murky roadmap, and poor communication further cloud its future prospects.

My Take: I’ve already offloaded 90% of my $HMSTR holdings. With so many uncertainties, $HMSTR feels more like a gamble than a long-term investment. Stay cautious and make sure you’re making decisions based on facts—not emotions. ⚠