The US blockchain industry lags behind more progressive jurisdictions, especially in Asia. Fiona Murray, general manager of Ripple Asia Pacific, said that the “lack of open-mindedness” in the US is driving business abroad. Industry leaders emphasize that the US needs to focus on six key areas to remain competitive.

1. Talent Development: The US has a hard time attracting and retaining blockchain talent. Special training programs and visa facilitation are being proposed.

2. Banking: Access to banking services should be made easier for crypto businesses.

3. User Experience: Better user experiences should be provided for blockchain to be widely understood and accepted.

4. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The US should not lag behind in CBDC and should allocate more resources.

5. Public-Private Partnerships: Public-private partnerships should be strengthened with tax incentives and pilot projects.

6. International Leadership: The US should take a leadership role in the global blockchain ecosystem.

How do you think the US should proceed in these areas? We are waiting for your comments.