Responding to several fans' views on the current "strong medicine" stock market!

Recently, the agenda of economic issues at the ZY political level has suddenly accelerated and moved forward to September. This change undoubtedly highlights the urgent need for the economic situation. On the one hand, the market has already felt the cold wind of the economy and urgently needs a policy booster to calm the market's anxiety; on the other hand, under the global loose environment, my country urgently needs to introduce a series of measures to stabilize the economy and the market to guide market sentiment in a positive and optimistic direction.

As a result, a series of policy "heavy punches" followed one after another. In the stock market, policies include the introduction of swap facilities and special re-loans for stock repurchases and holdings, with the aim of encouraging financial institutions to boldly increase leverage and inject confidence into the market. At the same time, actively guide medium- and long-term funds into the market, break the barriers to the entry of social security, insurance, wealth management and other funds into the market, and provide sufficient "ammunition" for the stock market.

But don't forget that these policies are not without risks. In the long run, if the crazy rise of the stock market fails to truly improve the fundamentals of the economy, then the stock market may become an illusory bubble, and risks will quietly accumulate. Therefore, ordinary investors need to stay sober, don't blindly follow the trend, and pay attention to the post-holiday policies and market movements.

Real estate policies are very different from stock market policies. The current purpose of real estate policies is to stop the decline and stabilize, rather than stimulate price surges. In the future, the real estate market may introduce more favorable policies, such as lowering loan interest rates, optimizing education, medical care, and settlement policies. For buyers with rigid demand, they can temporarily stay put and wait for the market to pick up before taking action.

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