NOT series Telegram games are out again! ? Following $NOT , $DOGS , and LostDog ​​(not TGE), the #NotPixel pixel game launched on September 24 attracted more than 1 million players in less than a day. As of 2pm on September 27, official data showed that the number of users had reached 2 million! And the data is still rising exponentially!

Notably, Not Pixel has been heavily promoted and followed by three closely related companies: Notcoin, DOGS, and TON, which often collaborate to advance the game and their respective ecosystems. As a result, the game has been highly touted for its potential airdrop rewards and other incentives.

NOT, am I going to start cooking for everyone again?

The main gameplay is: draw pixels and earn PX. Now the game is still in its early stages, and there are many foreign players. Seize the opportunity! Plant the seeds of hope!

Those who have participated in the pixel games on EOS before should know that the playability and wealth-creating effect are still very strong, but now this Not Pixel pixel game on the TON chain combines the characteristics of Telegram click games, and the gameplay is different from the previous pixel games on EOS. (It doesn’t matter whether you play the gameplay or not, as long as there is an airdrop 😏)

Use the following link to enter the game on Telegram: , 🎁Get extra PX invitation rewards🎁

01 Game Introduction

Not Pixel is a mini-game in the Telegram ecosystem, developed and launched directly by Notcoin (rumored), which offers users the opportunity to color their own pixel art.

At its core, the game is a virtual canvas of 1000×1000 pixels (lots of tiny dots). Millions of players change the colors of the pixels in real time, creating a work of collective creativity in the process.

It's completely free (you can play it for free) and only requires some manipulation on the canvas. In return, players receive PX (1 pixel = 1 PX, or more, depending on your booster level). That's the universal value and creative spark of Pixel!

Continuously upgrading your boosters will help you gain more PX.

It is worth noting that the project team has issued warnings about robots and scripts early on ⚠️! So, you should know what to do!

02 Page Guidelines

(You will become familiar with it after operating it several times)

  • front page

Detailed diagram

Use the zoom function to select a pixel block on the canvas, then select the pixel color, and click [Paint] to complete a pixel drawing.

The basic operation pages are explained separately below:

  • Quests, Mining, and Boosters

Click on the PX balance in the middle of the top (as shown in the picture: 334), enter the page to see the mining situation, and click [Claim] to receive the mining reward.

Mining principle: After coloring each pixel, 0.1PX of mineralization effect will be generated every day. So draw as many pixel blocks as possible, and the mining income will become more and more considerable!

It is important to note that mining rewards must be claimed every 8 hours, otherwise mining will stop and will not start again until you claim the reward.

Guide to claiming mining rewards

When you first join the game, PX is acquired very slowly (because the initial energy limit is 5, and the initial recovery time for each energy is 10 minutes). You can quickly acquire PX by completing tasks.

Task Guide

Then upgrade your boosters to increase your efficiency in acquiring PX.

  • Increase the PX gain multiplier: the PX gain obtained by drawing a pixel block at a time. If the multiplier is 3, then drawing a pixel block can gain 3 PX;

  • Improve energy recovery speed: The waiting time for drawing a pixel block is restored once. The initial time is 600 seconds. Upgrading can shorten the energy recovery time.

  • Increase the energy capacity limit: The initial value is 5, which means you can draw 5 pixel blocks in a row, and then wait for the energy of the 5 pixel blocks to recover before starting to draw again. Upgrading can increase the capacity, so you don't have to open the game and draw once in a short period of time. The current maximum capacity limit is 10.

Even if all three are upgraded to the maximum level, the efficiency of obtaining PX is still very low! It is expected that players may be required to pay for the upgrade of these three boosters. Of course, if there is no pay-to-win mode, then it is time to be diligent!

Booster Guide

  • Rankings

Click the trophy button in the upper left corner to enter the leaderboard page.

Here you can check the ranking of the team you joined and your personal ranking, as well as the total number of PX, total number of players, number of monthly active players, etc.

Leaderboard Guide

  • invite

Click the Invite button in the upper left corner to enter the invitation interface. Copy the invitation link at the bottom of the page and invite your friends to join the game. You and your friend will both receive at least 8 PX. If you are a Telegram Premium member, both will receive 64 PX. At the same time, you will receive 16% of the mining rewards of the invited friends, as well as additional other rewards.

Invitation Guidelines

  • Star Shop

Click the star button in the upper right corner to enter the store page. You can use Star to purchase items: Quick Recovery, Dynamite, Straw, Quick Mode, which is used to improve the efficiency of obtaining PX.

It is recommended to start with 0 without recharging, but of course the rich can do as they please!

Star Store Guide

If you need to purchase Star, it is recommended to use: You can directly purchase it with TON tokens, or you can purchase Telegram membership, advertising, etc.

  • canvas

A 1000×1000 pixel canvas, on which all players draw by changing the color of the pixel blocks. You can zoom the canvas to draw the pixel blocks more accurately. "+" zooms in, "-" zooms out, and of course you can also use two fingers to operate on the canvas (just like you view photos and zoom in on pictures).

Canvas Guide

  • Pixel Color

Click to change the pixel block paint color.

Toggle pixel color guide

  • Available pixels

Each time you draw a pixel block, you need to wait for a certain amount of time for the energy to recover before you can draw again. Depending on your booster level, it takes 10 minutes to recover one available pixel (energy), and the initial total energy limit is 5. You can increase the efficiency by increasing the energy capacity limit and energy recovery speed to get more PX, or you can buy instant recovery items in the star store to recover available energy.

Available Pixels (Energy) Guide

When there is no available energy (no pixels drawn), you can click [No energy] to view detailed information such as your energy capacity limit and single energy recovery time. You can also quickly jump to the booster upgrade page and the quick recovery purchase page.

Energy Details Page Guide

  • personal information

You can view the team information you joined, personal information (ranking, score, PX drawing, mining, etc.), achievements, inventory and other information.

Personal Information Guidelines

03 Tips

First, you can use the following link to enter the game on Telegram: to get extra PX invitation rewards.

When you first enter the game, complete simple tasks to quickly obtain a certain amount of PX, and then upgrade the booster (single pixel PX income multiplier and energy recovery speed).

If you have enough time, you can set an alarm to draw as many pixels as possible and collect PX mining income every 8 hours.

If you have enough influence, you can get more PX and airdrops by inviting friends to join the game.

Reasonably purchase and use props through Stars. Of course, we advocate free use, so the rich can do whatever they want! Or wait until the airdrop information is clearer before considering whether to spend money.


Keep exploring, adjust your personal strategy, and earn more PX.

Hard work, hard work, hard work...!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice! Always do your own research and consult a professional before making any financial decisions. DYOR!

Planning and production

Compiled by: 9iMxxx |  Published by: NFT Gamer

Produced by NFT Gamer, it must be a masterpiece!

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