Safe withdrawal strategy for cryptocurrency:

How to avoid being frozen when withdrawing money from cryptocurrency is the same as how to avoid getting sick when fucking.

Let's use fucking as an analogy to withdraw money.

How to avoid getting sick when fucking? Have less sex, right? You won't get sick if you don't have sex. Some people must say that you should wear a condom.

Wearing a condom can prevent AIDS, but it can't prevent genital warts, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.

The same is true for withdrawals. Withdraw less and reduce the number of times. For example, if you plan to spend 300,000, you can withdraw 300,000 at a time, or if you spend 2 million a year, you can withdraw 2 million at a time. Don't procrastinate, 50,000 today, 100,000 tomorrow.

If you withdraw enough, problems will arise sooner or later under the law of probability.

Fuck, who do you find to have sex with, hook up, is hooking up safer than prostitution? What about older women, married women, much safer than prostitutes, right?

Similarly, when withdrawing money, you can also find ordinary people, such as friends around you, big Vs you know, and coin friends. It is much safer to ask them to deposit and withdraw money than to find merchants (prostitutes) on the platform.

If there is really no channel for big Vs/coin friends, how can you withdraw money?

Just like many people are dull and not good at speaking, they can't hook up with older women or married women, what should they do?

You can only go to prostitutes.

What kind of place should you find for prostitution so that you won't be caught? Of course, you have to find a place that has been active for a long time.

For withdrawal, it is similar. Find merchants who have been active on the platform for a long time.

Don't believe anyone who says that you are absolutely safe and ask me to withdraw money. It's nonsense to float down five points or ten points. It's even more nonsense to guarantee compensation. You might as well believe that I am Qin Shihuang.

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