As you enjoy watching #Bitcoin ’s ascent on the #Binance screen, I’d like to update you on some developments. We previously talked about the #RWA sector and RWA Inc. Today, they’ve released a new Pitch Deck, which I’ve gone through, and it’s imposing. I’d love to share the highlights with you.

They’ve collaborated with over 40 industry specialists. In their initial sale, they effortlessly raised 2 million dollars. Despite not launching their token yet, they’ve already gathered over 10,000 registered users on their platform. The RWA market is projected to exceed 16 trillion dollars in the upcoming years, and RWA Inc.’s target is to capture 0.5% of that—roughly 80 billion dollars.

The company plans to offer various services, including tokenomics design, smart contract development, building strong online communities, creating and distributing new tokens, and providing post-listing support. The Pitch Deck also delves into its business model, revenue expectations, and the use and buyback plans for $RWA tokens.

I highly recommend reviewing this interesting Pitch Deck.

Under the leadership of Kevin Yunai, RWA Inc. is making bold moves, and they’ve hinted at several significant developments set for October.