Outside the cryptocurrency circle, nine amazing changes are quietly happening

As the digital currency market is changing, a series of more profound social and economic changes are also quietly taking place, which may be more eye-catching than the fluctuations in the cryptocurrency circle. The following are nine phenomena that deserve our deep thought:

The choice of the new generation:

As the representative of the new era, the post-00s group has shown a completely different investment and life attitude from their predecessors. Speculating in cryptocurrencies, stocks, Moutai, and real estate, these traditional "symbols of wealth" seem to have lost their former appeal in their eyes.

The digital detachment of the post-90s generation:

The post-90s generation has begun a "detachment" in the digital world. They delete apps and forget trading accounts, as if they are looking for a simpler and more real lifestyle.

The return of the post-70s and post-80s generation:

The post-70s and post-80s generation, these two generations of warriors who once fought in the business world, are now beginning to return to the ordinary. Playing poker and enjoying life, they no longer keep a close eye on the market and no longer trade frequently, as if they are looking for inner peace.

The loneliness of the securities sales department:

Once upon a time, the securities sales department was a popular place for investors to gather. But now, the business department downstairs is deserted, and the farther places are even more deserted, which seems particularly deserted.

Fund manager salary change:

Fund manager, a once glorious profession, is now also facing salary adjustments. High salaries are no longer available, and salary cuts have become the norm, which seems to indicate that the financial industry is undergoing a profound change.

Bank transformation:

Banks, the traditional financial fortress, are also quietly changing. Nowadays, when you walk into a bank, you will find that the staff are more likely to sell insurance rather than funds. Behind this is the shift in the focus of banking business and the change in market demand.

The spread of financial fraud:

What is worrying is that the phenomenon of financial fraud seems to be becoming more and more common. This not only harms the interests of investors, but also seriously undermines the fairness and justice of the market. #HMSTR开盘 #你有多少HMSTR? #加密市场反弹

In summary, the fluctuations in the currency circle are just the tip of the iceberg, and deeper social and economic changes are quietly taking place. These changes may lead us into a new era. Are you ready?