Market view: The US cut interest rates, and most countries in the world also cut interest rates. This is good for all investment-related things, and they will all rise. However, this requires a process, which is about 5-8 months of good news. There are twists and turns in the middle, and it will not rise all the time. It is common to see sharp rises and falls, so control your emotions reasonably and make yourself rational.

When the contract leverage is smashed, buy the bottom 2-3 times, and lower the contract leverage when you make money. Don't keep rolling the position. When 5-8 months later, you look back and see that it has been rising. What you are afraid of is that with high contract leverage, the price has risen, but the assets are gone. Another thing to note is: don't try to short. There are only 0 times and countless times to short. Don't be smart. After falling for so long, you still try to short. Once you get stuck, all the waiting will be in vain. If you want to do it, do things with a high probability, and don't lose the big for the small.

When there is a risk, I will remind you not to recommend contract leverage. If there is no reminder, then the old fans should understand! (Then make money boldly)

The 100,000 big cake can be seen in the next 5-8 months.