1. Current price

The price is 0.7045 USDT, up +2.23% in the last 24 hours.

2. Trading volume:

CATI volume over the last 24 hours was 326.15 million, indicating significant activity in the market.

3. Graphics:

The 4-hour chart shows that the asset recently fell to 0.6556 USDT, after which a recovery began.

The high over the last 24 hours is 0.7292 USDT, and the low is 0.6712 USDT.

4. Indicator:

MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) shows a small crossover near the zero line, which may indicate a weak bullish trend, but the signal is not yet confirmed.

RSI (Relative Strength Index) is at 46.57, which indicates a neutral zone (neither overbought nor oversold).

MA (Moving Averages): Long term moving averages remain above the current price, indicating potential resistance.

5. Order book:

65.04% of market participants are ready to buy the asset at the current price, which indicates the predominance of buyers.

Strong supply starts from the 0.707-0.71 levels, where resistance may form.


In the short term (for the next 24-48 hours), if the asset can overcome the resistance level at 0.71, we can expect growth to the range of 0.72-0.73.

If the support at 0.68 is broken, the decline to 0.655-0.66 may continue.

Further actions depend on the movement of volumes and the activity of market participants.