If you can understand what I say below, you can avoid 90% of the pits and losses.

In the currency circle: survival is the most important thing, making money is the second.

Protecting the safety of the principal is more important than anything else!

In the currency circle: 99% of the so-called "big guys" are fooling people;

99% of speculators are losing money;

99% of the projects are scams;

99% of the information is meaningless.

There are many rules here, but the most important thing is to stick to it. Whoever can stick to it in the shock, we will follow him to eat meat. When they make money, we will also make money.

Only if you can endure it, you can overcome the impact of the bull market and the plunge, and you will not be thrown off the car during the wash. Many people still think that I am in this market, playing contracts and shorting without thinking, isn't it very profitable?

You should know: Never think that you are the smartest person. Since the market is rebounding, why are there still a large number of contract orders? Do you know the doorway here? Looking at the spot fluctuations in your hands, jealous of other people's "profitable" contract orders. Really let yourself operate? Can you make money? Can you endure the heaven and earth needle?

So now those bragging words are actually hindsight. Never believe such promises, the daily income of the contract exceeds 10,000, and it doubles in a short period of time. The currency circle is a complex market. If your vision is only two inches away, I suggest you don't play.

Making money is never an easy way. If you can't hold it, and you are eager to get rich overnight every day, then I can only advise you to apply to a certain group as soon as possible, and prepare to deliver food and repay the principal in advance.

Go to my homepage, follow me, seize the spot in the turbulent market, and be the most patient person. Only when you expand your pattern will wealth come to you step by step.

Like and follow, the successful experience of three rounds of bull market, continue to update!

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