UXLINK tokens have a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000. Of the 65% community, users account for about 40%, while all other types of builders and partners account for about 25%; private placement 21.25%; team 8.75%; finance 5%.

Community: $UXLINK tokens will be airdropped to active users, builders and partners. No lock-up period

Private placement: Initial lock-up period is 6 months, followed by quarterly release of 24 months or 21 months

Team: Initially subject to a 9-month lock-up period, followed by a 24-month linear release every quarter

Listing time: July 18, 2024

Finance: Flexible

There is no selling pressure from the team and private placement in the short term. The private placement will be unlocked at the beginning of next year, and the price will rise in the short term.