On September 28, according to Cryptoslate, according to a report from the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), since Bolivia lifted the Bitcoin ban in June, the country’s virtual asset trading volume has more than doubled in the past three months.
Average monthly transaction volume soared to $15.6 million between July and September, compared with $7.6 million in the first half of the year. This substantial growth brought total transaction volume for the quarter to $46.8 million, exceeding the level of the previous six months. The number of virtual asset transactions also increased by 141%, from 932,000 to 1,123,000 during the same period. This growth reflects the growing acceptance of virtual assets by financial institutions and individual users.
Virtual asset trading has surged since the enactment of Resolution No. 082/2024 of June 25, which allows the use of electronic payment methods to buy and sell virtual assets, with stablecoins accounting for the majority of transactions.