Since jumping into the #bitcoin☀️ world in early 2017, I've picked up a few critical lessons that might help both newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts navigate this complex landscape. Here’s a distilled version of my journey and learnings:

1. Ignore Price Predictions: Nobody can reliably predict Bitcoin’s price movements. Take these with a grain of salt.

2. Focus on Bitcoin: Diversifying into other cryptocurrencies might seem tempting, but remember, true decentralization is rare outside of Bitcoin. Most other options are speculative and don't embody Bitcoin's ethos of resisting modern financial constraints imposed by fiat currencies.

3. Market Cycles: When everyone around you starts discussing Bitcoin, it could signal the peak of a bull market. It's often too late by the time you realize it.

4. Trading Altcoins: It's a common misconception that trading altcoins is an easy way to accumulate more Bitcoin. More often than not, this leads to losses. It’s not as easy as it seems.

5. Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA): Consistently invest a fixed amount in Bitcoin with each paycheck. It mitigates risk and smoothens your investment over time.

6. Manage Your Enthusiasm: Overexcitement can sometimes be perceived as dishonesty. Maintain a balanced approach when discussing Bitcoin.

7. Community Engagement: Engage with the community at meetups and conferences. It's refreshing and informative to connect with like-minded individuals.

8. Guide Newcomers Wisely: Direct beginners to reputable, Bitcoin-only platforms. This approach helps avoid common pitfalls like the one my cousin experienced when she swapped Bitcoin for Shiba Inu and lost significantly.

9. Engage on Social Platforms: Join communities like #bitcoin Twitter and Nostr to share experiences and gain support. It makes the journey less solitary.

10. Be Wary of Influencers: Approach every piece of advice with skepticism, even this list! Influencers have varied motivations; not all advice is impartial or beneficial.

11. Educate, Don't Preach: Don't push your views on Bitcoin. Instead, be a reliable resource for those curious about it. Let your knowledge and experience speak for themselves, and people will seek you out when they’re ready.

It’s been a wild ride with $BTC , and it's heartening to share these experiences. Here’s to many more enlightening years in this dynamic space!


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