9-28 Today's homework:

1. Arcium's second week NFT collection, answer: defi / all of the above / true / true / true:


2. Commonwealth connects to the wallet to collect the box, check how many you can get from your wallet, the current price of a single box is $0.001:


3. 0 OpenSocial raised $11 million in financing, BreadnButter's open airdrop:


Join my tribe: https://landingbnb.breadnbutter.fun/invite/tribe/doraaaa?inviteCode=XXH0NF

4. Community Gaming raised $16 million, Binance participated in the investment, and the points activity:


5. Mira raised $9 million, and received OG NFT:


6. Blum has launched the points price off-site, 0.002 dollars per point, continue to sign in:


7. MilkyWay points are greater than 10,000 and the binding Ethereum wallet ends on 9.30:


8. 0 Andrena raised $33 million in airdrops, similar to grass, just download the plugin and hang it up, invitation code: w0x4y4


9. Aggregata Binance led the open airdrop, download the plugin, go to chatgpt to ask questions, invitation code: jgk1zidm

Download address: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/aggregata-gpt-to-earn/hhibbomloleicghkgmldapmghagagfao?utm_source=ext_app_menu