Don't do counter-cyclical things:

The Fed has started a rate cut cycle, and under the condition of economic stability, it is often a bull market (the recent surge in gold prices/depreciation of the US dollar has been a good explanation).

In the subsequent low-interest rate scenario, the released US dollar liquidity is considered to be a reversal.

After the Fed cut interest rates, the US dollar continued to fall from the so-called risk-free high interest rate of 5.0% in the past to a neutral interest rate of 2.5-3%, prompting the outflow of US dollars to other assets, forming a bull market.

The positions are mainly big cakes and ethers, and are optimistic about MEME/AI/RWA concepts.

After the interest rate cut, the liquidity of US dollars in the market has increased, various MEME dogs have begun to prevail, sectors have rotated, and the ups and downs have fluctuated greatly (similar to 2017/2021). Pay attention to safety!

The above information content brings together the views and opinions of everyone in the major groups. Don't blame right or wrong. Investment needs to be cautious. Double the capital first, and the profit will fly freely.