After barter, it is known that money was the solution as an instrument of exchange, a universal means of payment based on trust between people in the community.

The translation of the word “trust” in Latin means “fiducia” which we currently know as fiduciary currency or Fiat money, are the coins or bills that we know.

Thus, any object that serves as a means of payment must fulfill three functions:

1. Unit of account: be highly accepted as a numerical measure to express the price of goods, services, assets or debts.

2. Medium of exchange: as a means of payment for commercial operations.

3. Reserve of value: preserve its purchasing power, conserving its value into the future.

On the other hand, the word “cryptography” comes from the Greek kryptós (secrets) and graphé (writings), which is why the RAE (The Royal Spanish Academy) defines it as “the art of writing with a secret code or in an enigmatic way.”

The question is, what is your preference, Fiat or Cryptos? “Safety” or risk and volatility. My preference is $BTC and yours is $BTTC , I read your comments. Good afternoon.