📌It is strictly forbidden to promote super-high rebates and it is strictly forbidden to guide users to cancel and re-register. If you find it, you can report it to An An~~

Be sure to invite registration under the official rules of Binance to ensure reasonable and compliant healthy market competition.

If you play high-frequency contracts, you may not know the existence of handling fees, or even look down on this handling fee.

However, you don’t know that the handling fees for frequent transactions may even exceed your principal, which is a huge expense.

Open the Binance APP--Funds--Contracts--Today’s Profit and Loss--Fund Fees and Transaction Fees.

You can see your handling fees for the past year. 🤷

For brothers who trade high-frequency contracts and have large positions

It may only take one month for your handling fee expenditure to exceed the principal.

So you must open the rebate, and the handling fee should be taken back. If you don’t open the handling fee, it will all belong to the market.

If you open the rebate, the handling fee will be returned to your own account, which will save you at least tens of thousands of u handling fees a month.

🪂If you need to spend, save what you can. If you watch my content for a long time and are willing to support me, you can share the invitation link below with your friends. 😘

Chizai exclusive link: 🎁新用户专属注册链接

New user exclusive invitation code: JR65ECDY