#AirdropGuide #blumcoin
What will be the price of Blum when listed on the exchange?
There is currently no official announcement about the token allocation and exchange listing of Blum. Below I will predict the price of blum when listed on the floor
1. User scale: with the extremely successful fomo, the number of users of blum is ~ 53 million users on the telegram platform
2: Sponsors: with the support of binnace labs and the investment of famous sponsors, the price of blum at $ 0.1 is completely feasible
3. Game play and point accumulation mechanism: calculating the time of using dubgj telegram to calculate blum's points is similar to dogs and more improvements will make blum have higher prospects
4. Disadvantages with such a large number of users, overloading will occur similar to the new hamster kombat, which will be a concern when the coin dumping occurs massively
Here is my opinion about blum, I will notify when blum has new news $BTC