According to TechFlow, Tabi, a gaming blockchain built on Cosmos, announced that its testnet V2 "Yoake" is officially online. To celebrate the launch of the testnet V2, Tabi launched a series of ecological interactive tasks and lucky draws. Users can get lucky draw tickets by completing tasks and have a chance to win a total of 50,000 Tabi MiniNodes. The first six ecological interactive tasks include receiving test coins, trading on DEX, and participating in games. Completing all six tasks will also get an additional three lucky draw tickets. The Tabi team said that more ecological tasks will be launched in the future to continue to enrich its testnet ecosystem.

The Tabi team stated that in the testnet V1 phase, the project has attracted more than 1 million $GG token holders, more than 2 million wallet addresses, and a total transaction volume of more than 110 million times.

It is reported that Tabi plans to build on Telegram and LINE to redefine Web3 dApp development, aiming to promote large-scale application of consumer-oriented dApps and achieve interoperability across platforms and blockchains.