The correct way to play MEME coins: seize two waves of opportunities and make a lot of money!

Want to know how to play MEME coins? In fact, it is very simple. Grasp the two core logics and understand the two waves of opportunities, and you will be able to thrive in this sector.

The first wave of opportunities: hot spots burst, get on board with the trend

The most important thing about MEME coins is the word "fast", and its core logic is driven by hot spots. When a new stalk suddenly emerges in the market and everyone is discussing it crazily, funds will quickly flow in and push up prices. At this time, what you have to do is to be quick-eyed and quick-handed, and get on board with the market sentiment. This wave of opportunities usually appears at the node where the project is just launched or suddenly becomes popular, like PEPE, which suddenly attracts everyone's attention and explodes instantly. Remember, the most profitable time for MEME coins is this "crazy rise period", keep up with the sentiment, and enter the market in time.

The second wave of opportunities: community power, long-term lurking

MEME coins are not only supported by hot spots, but also by long-term community power. Those currencies that can really go far, such as Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu coin (SHIB), have a large number of die-hard fans behind them. Such projects often do not bring you huge returns in a short period of time, but they rely on strong community consensus and have greater long-term potential. Therefore, after the sentiment subsides and the price falls, you can pay attention to those projects with long-term potential, quietly lurk, and wait for the next round of rise driven by community consensus.

There are two logics for playing MEME coins: one is to get on the bus quickly when the hot spots break out, and the other is to lurk for a long time relying on community consensus. Seize these two waves of opportunities, avoid blindly chasing highs or chasing ups and downs, and you can play MEME coins with ease.

Don't expect every MEME coin to soar, but as long as you catch these two waves, the rest, just wait and see the benefits!