The ideas for BTC and ETH tonight are as follows!


Tonight Friday:

① If BTC does not break the oscillating trend of 65000-65300 tonight, you can boldly step back to low and long on Saturday

② Tonight BTC fell to 64450-64650/63800±200, and then V-ed up, so you can also step back to low and long on Saturday

③ Tonight BTC continues to force longs, without a basic pullback, so you can rebound and short on the weekend

Tonight's key points are 65000/64450-64650/64000. It is recommended to take 111 to open a position and give it a chance to pull it once!


The idea is the same as BTC. Refer to the trend of the big cake tomorrow morning to make a decision on whether to step back to long or rebound and short!

Tonight's focus is on 2600/2580/2540/2490

Start opening a position at 111 from the second point, and you can pull it once when you first touch the first point!