The more developed communications become, the smaller the world becomes. Since September 24, the entire external network platform, from well-known official media to various self-media, has been riding on the popularity of China's economic boost, which is even more sensational than the sensation caused by the US dollar interest rate hike.

The title of the world's second largest economy is something that we can truly feel its ubiquitous influence only after we go abroad. Without exaggeration or understatement, the development achievements of the University of Tokyo are indeed shocking.

Where does this shock come from? What is its practical significance? Next, we will present a set of authoritative data (published by the WTO) to the public in a concise and clear manner, so that they can be used as a topic of conversation after dinner.

In 2023, the total global exports will be 23.8 trillion US dollars, of which China will be 3.38 trillion US dollars, accounting for 14.2%, ranking first for 15 consecutive years; the United States ranks second with 2.0195 trillion US dollars, accounting for 8.5%; the third to fifth are Germany with 7.1%; the Netherlands with 3.9%; and Japan with 3%.

In terms of import data, the first to fifth are: the United States 13.3%, China 10.7%, Germany 6.1%, the Netherlands 3.5%, and Japan 3.3%.

What do you see from the above two sets of data? Shouldn't it include at least the following three points?

1. China is undoubtedly the world's largest trading country, and its overall contribution to the world economy far exceeds that of the United States.

2. The rise of artificial intelligence has made the Netherlands successful. As we all know, ASML of the Netherlands is one of the world's leading suppliers of lithography machines. It is really lucky and has reaped the dividends of the times.

3. Germany and Japan's high-end manufacturing industries have flourished for nearly 80 years since World War II, and this trend is still continuing. These two countries are truly pillar allies and right-hand men of the United States.

Mr. Mahbubani once made a classic metaphor: "193 countries in the world live on a big ship, not 193 ships." If we divide them by position, the United States is the captain, and China is at least the chief engineer or the first mate. The problem now is that the captain is old, his mind and body are declining, and he is beginning to have trouble steering. The first mate is in his prime, smart and capable, and is deeply involved in all matters on the ship. How can we handle the vast ocean without him?

It is well known that anything mentioned by Wall Street, Reuters and other media at the top of the pyramid that hold global discourse power is no small matter. The combination of economic stimulus measures launched by the University of Tokyo has almost dominated the global media circle in recent days, and even been continuously followed up and reported by such media. What does it mean?

Judging from the content of the reports, most of them are still relatively objective, but there is an indescribable feeling between the lines - either guilty or anxious. In short, it is hard to describe. Friends who are interested can go and look for it by themselves.

Further down are the institutions and various self-media in the middle of the pyramid, such as the many political and economic channels on the other side of the Taiwan Strait and countless big Vs at home and abroad. It gives people the feeling that if you don’t do a few programs on this topic, you can’t be considered a mainstream account.

All the above signs show that no matter who or what organization is close to fans or distant from haters, Dongda has fully possessed the strength to turn things around. The reason why media giants like Wall Street and Reuters continue to pay attention to it is not only because the matter itself is important enough and has a wide influence, but also because there are many variables.

The three most interesting elements of the media have been gathered at once, so of course we have to focus on them. This is also the main reason for the global tremor - the University of Tokyo has officially launched a heavy blow to combat deflation.

Some are excited, some are worried, and some are even afraid. Will it succeed? Or will it fail? How long will it take to succeed or fail? This is a matter of great importance. There are not only intricate conflicts of interest behind it, but also the exchange and reversal of international roles and positions. If one prospers, all prosper, such as Southeast University and ASEAN and the African Union; there are also cases where one prospers and the other suffers, or even one rises and the other falls, such as Southeast University and the United States.

At this point, I think everyone should be clear about the theme of this article: If Dongda gets out of deflation in a short time, such as 3 years, what kind of shock and impact will it have on the already turbulent US and Western-dominated rules? And what kind of stability and confidence will it bring to the various partners who are working closely together. The knowledge and sense of smell of various media big Vs are far superior to ordinary people. It is likely that they smelled this immediately, so they couldn't help but continue to watch.

Conclusion: After the US dollar rate cut, Dongda did not hesitate for a moment and immediately turned to the offensive. Now the market sentiment is being mobilized quickly. For example, the A-share market has been completely boiling. Will it continue to rise or rise and fall? What about the property market? This big guy is the real test of the control ability. Whether it is stable or rising, how to stabilize or rise, it is not a problem that can be solved simply by money.

I couldn’t see anything else clearly, I just knew that billions of eyes were watching me. I couldn’t make any mistakes in every step, and I couldn’t be late.