The pain of retail investors in a bull market

1. The pain of a bull market is that they don’t know how to get on board midway

2. They cannot judge the volatile market and frequently operate in a volatile market

3. They cannot receive pending orders, and the price is getting higher and higher. When they receive orders, the price falls even deeper

4. They cannot judge the relative high position and miss the opportunity to reduce their positions

5. If the price does not rise after buying, it will fly after selling

6. They understand it all, but they don’t know how to overcome the tangled mentality, and they cannot distinguish between holding the coin and making an effective stop loss

7. The deviation in the understanding of trading, thinking that not making money is because the technology is not well mastered, not learned enough, the mentality is not good enough, and the understanding of the underlying logic of trading is not clear

8. The error in the design of stop loss, always going one-sided after the stop loss

9. Buy at a high position, and pull the market when you cut

10. How to judge the skyrocketing coin#btc