Hamster is one of the largest projects in Telegram that people waited more than seven months to get their reward, the time spent today showed hamster What is the time of those people who spent so much on this project worth. There was a lot of talk about different projects, high hopes, confidence, strength, and this is strength, rewarded its users $ 20 to $ 30 for seven months. Many people were disappointed not only in the hamster project but in Telegram projects in general, now many people are leaving Telegram because they do not believe this, Telegram's reputation was because most people from different countries had to earn money on projects such as AirDrop game, and now many people are simply deleting Telegram because they know that most projects in Telegram are fraud, using people, and now tell me please after such a project, who will move the Telegram project forward? Hamster spat in the face not only of the audience that supported this project, but also of the entire Telegram team.

Telegram has finally lost its trust. $BTC $SOL $ETH #btc #not #rth #eth #Đ›ŃŽĐ±ĐžĐŒŃ‹ĐčĐąĐŸĐșĐ”Đœ