How is the trend of Bitcoin?

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins will have different performances at different stages.

In the first stage, at the end of the bear market and the beginning of the bull market, the bottom is repeatedly ground, making everyone lose hope.

In the second stage, the first wave of pull-ups in the bull market may be very rapid, which will quickly get you out of the cost zone.

In the third stage, it is to wash the market, and the chips can only be washed out to increase the holding costs of everyone.

In the fourth stage, it will rise again, and at the same time, news is flying all over the sky. Everyone thinks they are the god of coins, and the mood reaches the fomo state.

In the fifth stage, it is to sell off, but often after the sell-off, there will be a pull-out, which makes people mistakenly think that the bull market is not over yet. The latter is a long-term decline, and everyone knows that the bear market is coming.

At this stage, Bitcoin has gone through the process of grinding the bottom (2022.11-2023.8)-pulling up (2023.8-2024.3)-washing (2024.3-9)-?

Now that we have experienced the wash, we will welcome the fourth stage - another pull-up. The wash lasting for 6 months has made many people lose their patience, and the undetermined chips have been eliminated. Most of the new reduction costs are between 53,000 and 73,000.

In the first to third stages, Bitcoin is often strong. From October last year to now, Bitcoin has always been stronger than Ethereum.

At this stage, Bitcoin's weekly line has risen above the 20-week line, and the MACD indicator shows a trend of golden cross, so a round of bull market is about to emerge.

From a time point of view, Bitcoin halving will start the bull market 150 days later, that is, around September 20, and Bitcoin halving will end the bull market around 500 days later, so September 2025 is worth being vigilant.

The best market rise is not a surge, but a rhythmic slow rise.

Rapid rise, that means rapid decline, often without sustainability.

Please hold the chips in your hands and wait for the bull to fly to the sky.

Recently, I have also been paying attention to a meme coin in the primary market - Marvin (ending with 7055), which has the concept of Musk. It has continued to rise recently, has an active community, and a low market value. It has a large room for growth and is worth paying attention to. #HMSTR开盘 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 #你有多少HMSTR?