At the moment, ⚠️Binance is going through quite an interesting period amid global changes in the crypto market. In September 2024, the company implemented major updates to its API, which improves performance and simplifies access to user information. These changes are important for developers working with the platform

In addition, the cryptocurrency market has recently demonstrated volatility. In August 2024, there was a 13.1% decrease in total capitalization, which is due to macroeconomic factors and global issues, such as the Bank of Japan raising rates. However, TRON stood out with positive dynamics, increasing trading volumes by 245% due to the launch of a new platform). Meanwhile, interest in stablecoins continues to grow, especially in the #CELO/USDT and #SolanaUSTD ecosystems. This may indicate that cryptocurrencies are becoming more integrated into global financial systems. #AirdropGuide #ЛюбимыйТокен #BinanceTurns7