The cold economic truth you don't know

1. If you want to make money, you must go out. Many businesses are made by drinking and chatting with people. Don't always stay in your own small land and daydream. No matter how busy you are, you must go out more to do valuable social networking, connect with other excellent connections and layers, and exchange useful information and resources with them. Often the most valuable things will only circulate in high-level circles.

2. Do more subtraction and less addition. Don't want to do any business, let alone change projects every few days. People's energy is limited. They can only focus on a few or even one track in their lifetime and continue to cultivate in this track (of course, this track must be high-quality enough), from 0 to 1, then from 1 to 100, to 1000, to 10000. Only in this way can we slowly build a moat in the industry in the long river of time. Those who always change their careers are often not specialized in any industry, can't make a lot of money in any industry, and waste their lives without achieving anything.

3. Seeing other people's businesses are simple and profitable, sometimes it's just their own imagination. Because you haven't dug deep into it like an expert, you don't know how hard it is for others, how long they have been struggling, how much money they have lost, and how much risk they have taken.

4. Don't blindly chase the wind. The wind is not blindly pursued, but you have accumulated experience in the industry before the wind comes. That's why you can take off. Therefore, lock in the track you are best at, dig deep, do it to the extreme, and then wait for your wind to come. This is the most reliable thing #经济转型 #BTC走势预测 #加密货币社区