Does the rise of A shares have any impact on the cryptocurrency market?

I personally think that there is an impact. China's strength is now obvious to all in the world, and China has set an example in the current environment.

In the past two days, A shares have been rising by a full 400 points.

Although the US stock market is also rising, the amplitude is not large. So far, the United States has only cut interest rates, and there is no other performance.

In such an environment, the strong recovery of the US economy will inevitably attract foreign capital, which is what the United States does not want to see. This forces the United States to make a series of policies. Thus stimulating the US economy, this will be good for the US economy and naturally good for the cryptocurrency market.

Friends in the cryptocurrency market should seize this opportunity.

I personally think that October will be the beginning of wealth creation again. It depends on whether you want to create wealth for yourself.

I'm waiting for you at the high point of the cryptocurrency market #美联储11月降息预期升温 #美国二季度核心PCE符合预期 #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨?