$TON surpassing the old peak is easy..

This article... is too much like pushing EW. Deja Vu!

Durov's $TON is still too good. I've been watching it for a long time these past few days

From the bottom of the wave pushing up, I see it's like pushing 5 EW waves. But right now, I can't clearly determine which is Wave 1

If $BTC is strong, then maybe the peak is Wave 1. And wave 2 has probably been corrected a little and is done

And now we'll push wave 3 (the longest and most fragrant wave).

Remember this, guys. Not every correction wave number 2 has to be corrected to the balance threshold or the 0.5-0.618 level of Fibonacci.

But waves 2 & 4 will take turns. If wave 2 corrects a little, wave 4 will correct a lot. And vice versa

Our job now is to monitor where the "red flag" level in the Wave 2 image is. We can jump in and do it for a bit

If $BTC uptrend always greets brother CZ out of jail, then we'll go to Market. But still expect to go up to $6 and then adjust to the price of the balance threshold.. Then hug it to the new ATH

You guys can refer to it! I haven't sprayed any glue yet

#btc #eth