Misleading and neglecting run through the fragments of stories about Justin Sun. In fact, in the eyes of the public, there are two Justin Suns.

A Justin Sun is surrounded by marketing news, immersed in traffic, and has a dazzling halo of wealth, so that his face is blurred. He is the "Brother Sun" that netizens tease in group chats.

Under the shadow of Justin Sun’s halo, another Justin Sun who is closer to the real person is often overlooked: he is a serial entrepreneur, a professional trader, a believer in long-termism, and a calm hunter in financial games.

The story of the cryptocurrency industry is less than ten years old, but it has been full of twists and turns. Almost all stories have both positive and negative sides. However, whether it is deification or demonization, it is not the best perspective to observe Justin Sun. The most scarce perspective at the moment is "normal".

When we remove all filters, return to blockchain finance itself, and look at Justin Sun again, we will find that he has gone through the shock cycle.

Become one of the few survivors left on the field.

Survive 3 "Cursed Moments"

In March 2024, as the Bitcoin market recovers, the virtual asset market enters a new cycle.

TRON, founded by Justin Sun in 2017, achieved a record high of $2.31 million in network revenue on March 5. By the end of May this year, its number of accounts exceeded 233 million, the number of transactions exceeded 7.73 billion, and the market value of stablecoins on the chain exceeded $59.8 billion, all breaking historical records. The number of daily active users ranked first in the public chain market.

The sound of drums is getting more and more urgent. According to statistics from Coingecko, a cryptocurrency market data platform, in February this year, the total market value of the cryptocurrency market returned to $2 trillion after two years. The head of Goldman Sachs Digital Assets Asia Pacific said that customers have rekindled their strong interest in the crypto market, and indicators such as the number of new customers, trading activity, and overall trading volume are on the rise.

"Over the past 60 days, $8 billion worth of net new demand has poured into nine new Bitcoin ETFs," said Matt Barensweig, managing director of digital asset trust company BitGo Go Network. "We are seeing historic, record-breaking activity levels. This trend suggests that Pandora's box in the cryptocurrency market has been opened, and more funds will flow in in the future."

Everything is in line with Justin Sun’s judgment of the market, and this bull market is hard-won

So in order to leave no regrets for everyone, Sun Ge recommends participating in #MarvinMarsDog‌ 

Musk concept meme coin‌ 

🔾Name: Derived from Musk's beloved dog, which he often mentions on Twitter

🔾Celebrate his birthday on November 1st every year🎂

🔾eth is driven by the strongest community, with strong consensus and has passed cg.

The latest Martian dog concept, Marvin the Martian‌ 

Musk said in an interview that he would take Marvin to Mars. The expected market value will soon exceed 100 million‌  (Look for the genuine Marvin 7055, the others are fake)