Many friends asked, when will A shares go?

Don't focus on domestic software, but keep an eye on the NASDAQ China Golden Dragon Index. You should always believe that foreign capital + second generation are more informed than ordinary people. For example, the first gap-up opening of the Golden Dragon Index was on September 19. The central bank launched a comprehensive three-continuation big move on September 24. Funds are king, and funds always precede news, and news is often what others want you to see.

The current short squeeze will accumulate a large number of profit-taking orders, which is inherently unhealthy. You should know that short selling is allowed overseas. Therefore, the profits of long and short positions are bloody in the eyes of Wall Street. In a massive short squeeze, volume is particularly important. At the beginning, both volume and price rise, and then a huge volume appears. The 5-day average volume will continue to slide by inertia, but once the volume reaches its peak, the acceleration will decrease, and the volume will go first, followed by the price.

Then we need to observe the data of the Golden Dragon Index and its core constituent stocks, such as, Baidu, Alibaba, and new energy vehicle new forces. Their actions are often forward-looking and guiding. Once they start to turn, it is best to leave! 🧐