PancakeSwap Cake (CAKE) is the native cryptocurrency of PancakeSwap, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). CAKE is used for:$CAKE
- Governance: Holders vote on proposals
- Staking: Earn rewards and participate in lotteries
- Yield Farming: Provide liquidity and earn CAKE
Key Statistics:
- Market Capitalization: $540 million
- Circulating Supply: 261 million CAKE
- Total Supply: 739 million CAKE
- All-Time High: $44.96 (April 30, 2021)
- All-Time Low: $0.1683 (November 4, 2020)
- Fast and Cheap Transactions: Leveraging BSC's low fees
- Decentralized Exchange (DEX): Swap cryptocurrencies
- Liquidity Pools: Provide liquidity and earn rewards
Use Cases:
- DeFi Applications: Lending, borrowing, and trading
- Yield Farming: Earn CAKE and other tokens
- Gaming and NFTs: Integration with gaming platforms
- Binance (native integration with BSC)
- Chainlink (oracle services)
- 1inch (aggregated liquidity)
Recent Developments:
- PancakeSwap v2 (improved UI and features)
- CAKE-BNB LP Staking (enhanced rewards)
Would you like to know more about:
1. PancakeSwap's yield farming mechanics?
2. CAKE's staking process?
3. Upcoming developments?
4. Other?
Additional Resources:
- PancakeSwap Website:
- PancakeSwap Docs:
- PancakeSwap GitHub: