Yesterday I saw a blogger who bought a house worth 10 million 7 years ago and sold it yesterday.

7 years of floating profit of 9 million

Absolute income is a lot, but the rate of return is not high

After selling it, I decided to buy stocks.

Then someone left a message, your biggest miss is missing BTC. If you buy BTC, it is worth 60 million, you missed it

The blogger said: My biggest luck is missing BTC.

I know this blogger. He has a net income of tens of millions a year

Through offline physical business, he invests in the stock market to expand.

Why he doesn't buy BTC, I can understand it very well, because he really looks down on BTC. It's not that he is arrogant, but his value judgment system will naturally exclude BTC.

If he buys BTC, I think it's strange.

Of course, his not buying BTC does not hinder the fact that he has made a fortune. I believe he will get 1 billion later, no problem at all.

Of course, his logic of not buying BTC is a little biased.

I guess: I made money by my own strength, and those of you who bought BTC to start your business just took shortcuts. He can't accept himself becoming a person like you.

A powerful brother doesn't want to listen to the chatter of people who are making a fortune.

Of course, he also integrates knowledge and action, and he thinks deeply about every business.

The blogger said: He started doing business at the age of nine, and he has never lost money in any business since selling stamps. Making money is as easy as breathing. People asked why.

He said: I just brought a normal thinking brain.

But BTC cannot be thought of with ordinary logic. A thing that is useless and does not create any cash flow is so expensive. People's first instinct is that this thing is a scam.

If people with his financial size can take out part of it to buy BTC, the price of BTC will be sky-high.

The cost of our purchase may be comparable to gold.

Their value judgment system sometimes gives us a little opportunity. Why is it easy to make money by buying BTC? Because few people buy it, because most of the awesome people don’t come in to buy it.

A bull market and a bear market cycle, you can make money by investing regularly. Which investment can make money as easily as BTC?