Ugh, buying Bitcoin is like playing a game of Jenga with your emotions. You're like, "Yes! I'm a genius!

I'll sell at the top and live the high life!" And then, BAM! The price drops and you're left wondering if you accidentally bought a bag of worthless cat food.

Ugh, buying Bitcoin is like playing a game of Jenga with your emotions. You're like, "Yes! I'm a genius! I'll sell at the top and live the high life!" And then, BAM!

The price drops and you're left wondering if you accidentally bought a bag of worthless cat food.

And don't even get me started on selling. It's like trying to time a perfect jump in a game of Mario Kart. You're like, "Yes! I'm a master of the market! I'll sell at the peak and retire to a life of crypto-wealth!" And then, WHOA!

The price soars and you're left wondering if you should've just held on for dear life.

And then, there's holding. Ah, holding. It's like being stuck in a never-ending loop of "what if?"

You're like, "Maybe if I just hold on a little longer, the price will go up!" And then, sigh the price consolidates and you're left wondering if you should just give up and buy a timeshare in Boca Raton.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content.