Please remember the ten experiences to avoid liquidation

1. Holding orders without stop loss: This behavior is common among both novices and veterans. During the holding process, traders have hope and expectations, but stop loss will face financial losses and huge psychological blows. Novices do not understand the dangers due to ignorance and fearlessness, while veterans are overconfident, and they may eventually fall into the dilemma of circular liquidation.

2. Frequent stop loss: Frequent stop loss is one of the main reasons for the expansion of losses, just like frequent braking on the road will increase the probability of accidents.

3. Losing sight of one thing and losing another: Experienced traders try to expand the front line and frequently buy and sell different varieties, resulting in constant stop loss and chasing up, and eventually exhaustion and account losses.

4. Back to the pre-liberation era: Overconfident veterans trade heavily due to risk and greed, and eventually lose all their money.

5. Over-increasing positions: In speculative trading, many people see the increase in floating profits and fantasize about the huge profits of full positions, but as a result, they are liquidated due to excessive increase in positions.

6. Being smart: Some people like to predict market trends, blindly believe in their own predictions and ignore market signals, which often leads to serious losses.

7. Small profits and big losses: These people can accurately judge the market, but they miss the big market because of small profits, and even operate against the trend, resulting in continuous losses.

8. Increase positions against the trend: The probability of success of this operation is very low. Inexperienced traders blindly increase their positions due to fluke mentality, which eventually leads to heavy losses.

9. Over-reliance on so-called masters: Many novices rely on masters to make easy profits, ignoring the true nature of trading. Blindly following masters may lead to heavy losses.

10. Listen to rumors: This type of traders are basically novices. They like to read all kinds of rumors but cannot distinguish right from wrong, which often leads to losses without knowing it. #SUI网络TVL创历史新高 #PayPal将允许美国商家交易加密货币 #你有多少HMSTR?