1. Use Google to quickly log in to AICoin

1. Open the AICoin login page, find the [Log in with Google] button and click

操作指南丨Google、Telegram 快速登入 AICoin_aicoin_图1

2. The system will automatically jump to the Google login page

Enter your Google account and password according to the instructions on the page and enter the authorization page.

操作指南丨Google、Telegram 快速登入 AICoin_aicoin_图2

3. Authorize AICoin to access your Google messages on the authorization page, and click the [Continue] button

操作指南丨Google、Telegram 快速登入 AICoin_aicoin_图3

4. After successful authorization, you will automatically log in to AICoin.

操作指南丨Google、Telegram 快速登入 AICoin_aicoin_图4

2. Use Telegram to quickly log in to AICoin

1. Open the AICoin login page, find the [Telegram] button and click

操作指南丨Google、Telegram 快速登入 AICoin_aicoin_图5​​​​​​​

2. The system will automatically jump to the Telegram login page.

According to the instructions on the page, enter your Telegram registered phone number and click [NEXT]

操作指南丨Google、Telegram 快速登入 AICoin_aicoin_图6​​​​​​​

3. Complete account binding in Telegram APP

操作指南丨Google、Telegram 快速登入 AICoin_aicoin_图7

4. After successful authorization, you will automatically log in to AICoin.

操作指南丨Google、Telegram 快速登入 AICoin_aicoin_图8​​​​​​​

More Tutorials:

1. The main strategy for big singles: https://www.aicoin.com/zh-Hans/article/413204

2. Automatic currency earning tool "All Currency DCA": https://www.aicoin.com/zh-Hans/article/414099

3. Participate in the teaching of OKX & AICoin strategy trial fund activities: https://www.aicoin.com/zh-Hans/article/420049