After so many years of trading, the biggest feeling is: learn to slow down.

From the earliest technical analysis, to the later value investment, and then to the current cyclical investment, I found that the real secret of trading is "few but good". Reduce unnecessary transactions, only do what you really understand, and keep the profitable positions for a long time, don't operate frequently.

When there is no good opportunity, don't enter the market casually, wait for the opportunity to come before taking action.

When trading, you should relax your mentality, follow the trend, and don't go against the current.

The most important thing is, don't be anxious to make money, take it slowly, step by step, and make steady progress.

Investment is not only a tool to make money, but also a leisurely lifestyle. Treat investment like running a marathon, be steady and patient, don't rush, operate slowly, and eventually you will find that this road is longer than you think.

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