🐂 The bull market is definitely here! I have great confidence in this! 💪

This wave of trends is an unprecedented fantasy journey! 🌌

You say it is a bull market? Hey, the altcoins have fallen so badly that even their mothers can't recognize them! 😢

You say it is not? Look at the iron law of the 4-year cycle, it is clearly there! 📈

This bull market has walked out of the déjà vu of a deep bear market, which makes people laugh and cry. 😂

Let me analyze it briefly, and two major reasons have surfaced:

1️⃣ As soon as the green light of EFT was turned on, BTC was like being pressed on the accelerator, and it rushed straight to the previous high. According to common sense, the previous high will have to wait until November 2024, but it was clocked in in March. If it doesn't take a breath and goes straight to the sky, where will the follow-up strength be used? Isn't the 4-year cycle just empty talk? So, in order to keep the cycle going, BTC has to take it easy. It has been sideways for more than half a year. This "retreat to advance" trick is a good one! 👏

2️⃣ The public's perception of the bull market has been reshuffled. This bull market is not going the usual way. BTC, halving, ETF, the belief value is off the charts, and the previous high has been ripened directly. And the meme coin, with full expectations, is so exciting in advance, it is simply a living textbook of reflexivity! 📚

Each round of the bull market is a different way to go. 👣

The 4-year cycle is as stable as an old dog. We are in the warm-up stage of the bull market. In 2025, that will be the real carnival! 🎉

Facing this market, I have too many plans to count. Friends who can keep up, please leave a message to report, so that I can see you! 👇


#BTC突破7万大关 #BTC☀