Before it went online, the hamsters on social media were calling one after another, and it was very lively~🐹

As soon as it went online, hey, why did everyone become silent, and the hamsters all hid quietly? 🤔

I said it a long time ago,

This thing is exactly the same as the previous DOGS and CATI, 🚀It's easy to go up, and it's also unambiguous to come down.

Look, it started to slide as soon as it went online, and it was the kind of continuous decline mode without stopping...📉

Looking at this posture, it is estimated that it will have to stroll on the downward track for a few days!

As for BTC and ETH, they are the big guys in the market, and they have their own world. 💸

The above is purely personal chat, please do not regard it as an investment bible! 📚 It does not constitute any investment advice, investment should be cautious and within your means! 🚨

#HMSTR开盘 #你有多少HMSTR? #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR