Odaily Planet Daily reported that the multi-chain liquidity re-pledge protocol Bedrock recently issued an announcement on its Telegram channel, revealing that the team has discovered a security vulnerability involving uniBTC. In order to protect users and their assets, the team quickly suspended the contract⏸️. Fortunately, the BTC in the custodial wallet is still safe, and the BTC in the reserve is not affected💪.

Despite this, the total estimated loss of the theft is about US$2 million💸. The team said that it is actively coordinating with DEX, security audit teams and partner projects to revoke relevant permissions. For permissions that cannot be revoked, the corresponding wallet address will be blacklisted📋.

In this challenging time, the Bedrock team's quick response and transparency deserve recognition. Bitcoin remains the mainstay of the market, and we remain optimistic about its future🌟.